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Triple Your Sensations

Digital campaign Social Networks 

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WINA Award 2016



Mitsubishi launched the Outlander PHEV, the first 4×4 plug-in hybrid. A very technologically advanced car.So much so, that it was difficult to explain all the innovations that the car brought.

It was very complicated to explain all the innovations that this car brought, so we put rationality aside: we were going to talk about what it feels like to drive it.

Mitsubishi had signed an agreement with Javier Gómez Noya, five-time triathlon world champion, and wanted him to be the protagonist of the campaign.



The car offered so many innovations that it was difficult to explain them all, so we decided that we would talk about what it felt like to drive it.

Mitsubishi had also signed an agreement with Javier Gómez Noya, five-time triathlon world champion, and wanted him to be the star of the campaign.However, Javier was a celebrity whom, paradoxically, almost nobody knew. Just like our car.



We created a concept that united celebrity and product: Triple Your Sensations (3 sports in 1; 3 driving modes in 1).

First we launched a teaser-denunciation that heated up the social networks: it was outrageous that a five-time Spanish trials champion was so little known.

We then shot three epic spots, one for each sport and feeling: the feeling of flow, the feeling of control and the feeling of power. They were voiced by Gómez Noya himself to give credibility to the speech.

In addition, we made a co-creative website in which we also joined the 3 spots in 1. Each visitor edited this long spot, guided by their feelings, and generated a new one in real time.



3,066,000 Views of the spot on Internet

29,000 Likes on social networks

90,000 Visits to the website

2,892,000 Impressions of hashtag #TriplicaTusSensaciones

And hundreds of mentions in automotive publications.

Visits to increased by 33.94

Visits to dealerships multiplied by 2 and orders and registrations, what a coincidence, multiplied by 3.