Evolutionary agency develops end-user conversion campaign EcoFlow offers clean and reliable energy solutions for both the residential and commercial ...
Where every day is a new adventure in the evolution of ideas. At Peanuts&Monkeys, We are not an ordinary agency, we are a unique species in the realm of advertising, where evolution is our philosophy and the 2% difference is our secret key to success.
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Our 2% Theory sets us apart from the rest of the herd. We share 98% of DNA with other agencies, but it's that small 2% of difference that makes us a unique and exceptionally creative species. Like the fine margin that separates the primate from the monkey, we understand that even small changes can have a huge impact on the world of advertising.
Imagine a lush jungle where every tree, every branch, every creature is constantly changing and adapting. That's how we see the world of advertising: a dynamic ecosystem where only the most adaptable survive. And we, like true creative monkeys, move nimbly among the branches, exploring new ideas, looking for the next evolutionary leap in brand communication.
Netflix, ACTIVAtions, Digital, innovation, social media, Netflix, social media
mortgages.com, DIGITAL, INNOVAtion, INTEGRAted, PRint, SOCIAL MEDIA
disney, Activations, Digital, Radio, Social Media, Social Media
Universal music, Activations, Digital, Innovation, Integrated, Radio, Social Media, TV
Kia, Activations, Digital, Innovation, Outdoor, Social Media, Outdoor, Social Media
disney, Awarded, Activations, Innovation, Metro, Social Media
Mitsubishi, Print, Radio, Social Media, TV
ecovidrio, Awarded, Health, Radio, Social Media, TV
disney, awarded, Activations, Digital, Outdoor
Evolutionary agency develops end-user conversion campaign EcoFlow offers clean and reliable energy solutions for both the residential and commercial ...
The objective of the campaign is to give visibility to one of the 5 most diagnosed cancers in Spain The month of May ...
The company, with more than 90 years in the industry, entrusts its brand to the evolutionary agency Peanuts&Monkeys will be the agency in charge ...
Luko, the first digital home insurance in Spain, has started a brand presentation campaign by the hand of the ...