
Driven by the curiosity that characterizes those of us who are somewhat geeks of the technologywe turn to the Everis Foundation to the presentation of a device that could change the way advertising is tested: the usennsThe new device, connected to the fingers, is capable of measuring the wearer's emotions wirelessly and almost in real time. 

This ring is not only as good as it sounds, but it also works: we were able to see live how, with a box the size of a pack of chewing gum that is attached to the fingers with a rubber band, cardiovascular activity data can be transmitted to a computer via wi-fi, electrodermal and movement of the subject in question. That is, usenns can detect variations in the emotional state of a person, both conscious and unconscious, and therefore, we can know that "feels" before a stimulus to which it is being subjected: see a adto give your opinion on the design products, strolling through a shopping mall or even browsing a web page web. As any reader of this magazine can imagine, to really know how a person feels when they are in a consumer in the aforementioned situations (and without asking him!) has infinite potential for research into marketing y pre-test advertising or product.

This incredible gadget has seen the light of day thanks to the innovative efforts of BitBraina Spanish company located in Zaragoza, and as one of its founders explained to us, Maria LopezIt has not been a bed of roses to get from the idea to a product that is already in the manufacturing phase. I have to admit that it made me think that with what it costs here to make a simple innovative advertising campaigninnovating directly with the product on your own must already be a titanic effort. Hats off to these innovators.

Returning to the device: the fact that it can capture emotions without having to ask the subject is not trivial. Right now, the only way to do a test is to expose a group of subjects to the product or ad in question and then ask them what their feelings were. And so there is always the risk that the interviewees will do not be sincere (whoever has not lied in a survey, cast the first stone). This ability to measure the variation of unconscious emotions, allows us to know which parts of a person's emotions are the most important ones. advertisement The most important thing is to be able to know which parts of a movie have the greatest impact on a group of people, for example, or to know at which points viewers lose interest in a movie. All this without having to interrupt or ask questions afterwards, and without making gross errors: I am recalling the anecdote of a product that failed miserably when it was launched in Japan despite the fact that the previous tests had been magnificent: the respondents lied that they loved the product (when the opposite was true) simply to be polite, so as not to make a bad impression on the brand they were testing. I'm sure the brand in question would have gladly paid (and much more) the approximately 1,800 euros that this first product using usenns technology will be marketed with, since it is only the appetizer of a more sophisticated one that is on its way: a headband that will allow monitoring brain activity. This promises not only to know if something excites, but also what the emotion will be (positive or negative) and even its intensity.

I think this is yet another step forward for technology but a giant leap forward for the companies of market research.

Daniel Megías

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