Peanuts&Monkeysthe agency evolvehas created a brand content campaign for the automobile company Ford the final of the European Cup of Nations UEFA Champions LeagueThe first-ever meeting of two teams from the same city will take place on May 24 in Lisbon: Real Madrid and Atlético de Madrid.
In the hymn The original lyrics of the song are written in the three official UEFA languages: English, German and French. However, the occasion merited a translation so that the millions of fans of both teams could sing it, whoever wins, in Spanish. So Ford, official sponsor of the Champions League since the 92/93 season, asked UEFA for permission to translate the famous anthem freely into Spanish:
They are already here
They are the best and they want to win
Let's see
The big teams
The Champions!!!
A noble gathering
An appointment of sport and honor
Let's see
To the best
Seeking glory
They call them "Champions".
The big teams
The Champions!!!
The big teams
The Champions!!!
Once the version was created, the goal was to get the fans to make it their own, so the hashtag #merecemosunhimno for Twitter and a Facebook page, with a video tutorial performed by a soprano, which serves as an example for Internet users to sing and upload their own videos. The five most original videos will win a double ticket to the final. To encourage participation, leading figures from both teams have taken part in a motivational video: the Madrid players Manolo Sanchís, Rafa Martín Vázquez and Iván Pérez and atlético José Antonio García Calvo. Peanuts&Monkeys is an independent company founded in 2012. An agency that defines itself as "would evolve"The company offers a comprehensive service model that adapts with agility to the changing needs of its clients. The account management team is led by Carlos García Peral y Daniel Megíasand on the creative side by Mario Sánchez del Real and Sunde J. Sastre.