P&M dresses triathlete Gómez Noya in tuxedo for Mitsubishi

More than half a million views on social networks in its first 24 hours. This is one of the spectacular figures achieved by the spot "El Otro Entrenamiento", starring the 2016 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports, which was also immediately echoed by general and sports media, such as La 1, La Sexta or the newspaper Marca.


When the news broke that the Spanish triathlete Javier Gómez Noya would receive this award on Friday, October 21, both Mitsubishi Motors Spain and Peanuts&Monkeys agreed that a tribute should be made to him. And it had to be different.


Because, as stated by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, the award is for his unparalleled career, but also for his incredible perseverance in life. That tenacity was the starting point for "The Other Training", a spot in which Gómez Noya leaves his daily comfort zone, the training of an elite triathlete, and prepares himself thoroughly for the annual ceremony to be held in Oviedo.


The result is a spot that reflects with humor the most private side of the public figure. And which, unusually, becomes a plea for his sponsor Mitsubishi. In the words of the five-time world champion himself, "maybe... normal is not for me".


On behalf of Peanuts&Monkeys, the team consisted of Mikel Ortega, Peter Parias, Andrehyna Caringella and Sunde J. Sastre, among others. From Mitsubishi Motors Spain, Olga Orcaray, Cristina Olloqui and Evan Bodelón were responsible for this campaign. The production was in charge of Adhokers and the director was Pablo Gil.

Javier Gómez Noya on Facebook

Mitsubishi Motors Spain on Facebook

Mitsubishi Motors Spain on Youtube

La 1 News

La Sexta News (time 16′ 50″)

Marca Newspaper