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Finally we put image to San Publicito. "Everything is image".

"Everything is image," goes the old advertising proverb. However, every last Friday of January, the Spanish advertisers we sanctify the feast of a saint who has no image: San Publicito.

 That is why in Peanuts&Monkeys we have rolled up our cassocks and got down to work to discern the iconography of this our patron saint, as should always be done in a democracy: by voting.

 But the candidates were missing, so we asked for enlightenment, and we found it in six of our most prominent brothers, who kindly gave us their profiles to compose the six most common types of saints:

 Antonio Monterothe peerless former creative vice president of Counterpoint BBDOwho overwhelmed us with his Herculean chest and who represented Saint Publicite Martyr.

 Alfonso Gonzalezthe child prodigy of the Spanish plannersvice-president of the APGand hair, which gave us the gift of a devoted San Publicito Obrero.

 Ricardo PerezThe unrepeatable creative that marked with fire his contagious slogans in the brains of the children of the eighties, and that with his egregious figure embroidered the San Publicito Papa.

 Roberto Larapresident of Mrs. RushmoreThe account that every creative would like to have at his side and who, with his benevolence, created a credible St. Publicito Monje.

 Daniel Solanathat genius that can make you a cartoon of Creatas y Ejecutas which marks a milestone in advertising and calls it a Postadvertisingfaithfully embodied St. Publicite Protector.

Ignasi Giróa new-age creative who single-handedly drafts and composes a jingle while with the other he designs the plans of an invention, he personified San Publicito Guerrero.

 With all of them and the help of a 3D scanner we printed their three-dimensional print. The only thing left was to reveal the result to the Spanish advertising conclave for them to vote, and we can attest that they are doing it. Where? At

 Vote brothers, vote. Only until January 19.

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