Launch of Macaco's new album #HistoriasTattooadas

For the launch of the new album of MacacoTattooed Stories, the singer and Sony Music Entertainment have entrusted us to create a social application called Tattooiter.

Tattooiter is the first text-based tattoo generator that works as an online service connected to Twitter. Just write a 140-character message and watch as the words become a tattooed and unforgettable secret, which is shared as soon as it is created.

The tattoo designs are generated by an algorithm that chooses sinuous and symmetrical shapes based on the words written by users, whose first appearances are stored in a dictionary that is created among all users and that will give rise to a visual language where each shared story will have its corresponding tattoo.

In addition, there is a freestyle version where the user can generate unique designs by modifying the thickness, shape and style of the tattooiters. The application is available from today at in both desktop and mobile versions. The evolutionary agency is considering in the near future to launch a native app for mobile devices as part of a multichannel strategy.

Macaco's album, Historias Tattooadas, provides the initial content for this very special app, which perfectly complements the social media activation of the artist's new album release.


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