Peanuts&Monkeys launches new campaign to stop spinning with Mitsubishi Mitsubishi has been communicating its ASX model for four years under the concept "Twist your world", also born in Peanuts&Monekys. And after so many years of communicating this message, it was time to change it. Therefore, we decided that the best way to say goodbye to it was to say just the opposite. So [...]

P&M recovers the legacy of Mitsubishi Motors' "Cabrero".

Very few brands have in their advertising legacy a spot as memorable as Cabrero. It is enough to hear one of these two phrases: "And Franco, what does he think of this? Another European Champion, right?" for anyone who wasn't a baby in 1993 to remember the image of that endearing [...]

Mitsubishi's rock 'n' roll campaign for Peanuts&Monkeys

To present the new Mitsubishi ASX, Peanuts&Monkeys has combined, as in the triathlon, three disciplines: rock&roll, celebrities and a lot of humor. And for this it has had the help of the charismatic singer Loquillo and the 2016 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports, the triathlete Javier Gómez Noya. The idea arose with the discovery of [...]

P&M dresses triathlete Gómez Noya in tuxedo for Mitsubishi

More than half a million views on social networks in its first 24 hours. This is one of the spectacular figures achieved by the spot "El Otro Entrenamiento", starring the 2016 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports, which was also immediately echoed by the general and sports media, such as La 1, La Sexta or [...]

Mitsubishi and Peanuts&Monkeys break records in the Science Race

On Sunday, October 16, Mitsubishi Spain and the agency Peanuts&Monkeys made history with a selfie in which more than 4,000 people participated. The pretext was the promotion of the new Outlander. Mitsubishi, official sponsor of the race, commissioned "the evolutionary agency" to create an event that would follow the concept of its campaign: "Back to talk [...]

Mitsubishi seeks the true values of the sport with a P&M documentary

Mitsubishi Motors has released "Vuelve A Hablar De Deporte" a short documentary about those athletes who seek triumph and not necessarily fame. The protagonist is Dani Molina, the Spanish runner-up in the world championship who started as a paratriathlete after suffering the amputation of a leg. Peanuts&Monkeys conceived a documentary in the format of a road trip, [...]

Peanuts&Monkeys wins one gold and two silvers at the Ampe Awards

cardboard people, best advertising campaign of the year The Spanish Advertising Media Association held its annual awards last April, recognizing the best of the advertising industry in our country. At this gala, Peanuts&Monkeys won three awards. The agency won a silver medal in the Integrated category (the most important of the contest) [...]

Peanuts&Monkeys presents the advantages of driving a PHEV

The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is the first 4×4 plug-in hybrid on the market. A car that in electric mode does not emit CO2 and therefore enjoys two great benefits: on the one hand it is excluded from paying in the green and blue parking zones, and on the other hand has free access to the BUS-VAO lane, until now [...]

Joaquín Cobos, seduced by the Monkeys

Peanuts&Monkeys has just announced the definitive incorporation of Joaquín Cobos, who in recent months had collaborated occasionally with the evolutionary agency in the strategic approach of different proposals. It is worth mentioning his contribution to the success of the awarding of the integral communication of Mitsubishi Motors in Spain, after a contest in which he [...]

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